Fat Tuesday

Apple • Apricot • Blueberry • Cherry • Chocolate Cream • Custard • Lemon • Peanut Butter Cream • Poppy Seed • Raspberry • Strawberry • Vanilla Cream
Hot Cross Buns

King Cake

The origins of the king cake tradition can be traced back to the Middle Ages in Europe, where similar cakes were used to celebrate the Epiphany, the day when the three wise men visited the baby Jesus. The tradition was brought to New Orleans by French settlers in the 18th century.
The New Orleans king cake emerged as a unique variation incorporating the vibrant colors of Mardi Gras – purple, green, and gold – symbolizing justice, faith, and power, respectively. It retained the connection to the Epiphany and the tradition of hiding a small baby Jesus inside. The person who finds the baby in their slice is considered lucky and is often tasked with hosting the next king cake party.
Our king cake is a 9” ring shaped sweet, coffee cake with a small plastic baby inside. It is filled with cinnamon, raisins, walnuts, and a hint of orange flavor. Topped with a clear glaze and sprinkled with sugar in the traditional Mardi Gras colors.